Iranian nuclear Top scientist assassinated

Iranian nuclear Top scientist assassinated 

Some breaking news for you Iranian state media are saying one of the country's top nuclear scientists has been assassinated at press TV has quoted unofficial sources saying that most in Congress today was killed near Tehran however conflicting reports Iran's nuclear energy organization has denied there has been any incident involving a nuclear scientist clearly highly significant news if confirmed I'm joined by Sebasti N. usher on Middle East editor for the world service of Aston first what are you hearing from different sources about whether there has been an assassination attempt or not. Well since the news broke about half an hour ago there have been conflicting reports originally on St Helen's media outlets like Press TV it was stated quite clearly but from unofficial sources that he had been assassinated. 

Iranian nuclear Top scientist assassinated

Then other reports came through saying that he had been wounded it's but was now between us when I've just seen on the corner of my eye here the defense minister Iran has now announced that most time factors that day have died he has been assassinated so that looks like the visual confirmation and he is one of the most important you know if not the most important nuclear scientists in Iran well in terms of the coup that nuclear weapons program. It'll be 3 is extremely controversial has been for years and years and has been the hot at the heart of the way but the US administration of president trump and Israel have looks Iran has essentially coming close to posting a massive risk across the Middle East because of its nuclear program he has been described as the father of that program so you couldn't really choose a more significant target if that is what you were trying to harmonize what you're trying to damage also of course we have no idea who carried out this attack but also if you are trying to send a very very strong message to the Iranian leadership that no 1 is safe and that action of any kind will be taken against that potential nuclear capability we've already had some strong words from the head of the revolutionary guards who said that these attacks that happened in the past and they have been revenge in the past and that's what will happen this time and that is the case back between 2010 and 2012 there was a spate of assassinations of Iranian nuclear scientists 4 of them were killed in ready to be mysterious circumstances but Iran pointed the finger at least in terms of complicity Israel now we've already hides the Israeli prime minister Benjamin Netanyahu not making any comment on what has just happened but we have to look at what the context is we've seen in the past few years with the trump administration in power with a very but foreign policy from Saudi Arabia and Israel under Netanyahu and an extremely strong **** chewed up and a strategy of maximum pressure the US to describe it against the run and now in the last weeks of the trump administration there's been a lot of speculation about what. It might do in order to get its message across once again and potentially make things more difficult for the president-elect Joe Biden if he wants 1 to return to the Iranian nuclear deal from which president trump walked away in 2018 Sebasti N. usher thank you very much and Sebasti N. that saying there's it appears the defense ministry in Iran is confirming this assassination the death of the nucleoside test.

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