TCGplayer Seller - Important Tax Update | 2019

TCGplayer Seller - Important Tax Update on Sep 12,2019

Many states are changing their sales tax legislation and compliance with new laws is more complicated than ever that said TCG player has been working hard behind the scenes to make these changes easy for our sellers my name is Sean and in this post, I'll show you how to get set up with one of the most accurate and accessible tax solutions out there at no cost to you he's TCG player now offers a free...

TCGplayer Seller

Thomson Reuters account with access to one source for brick and mortar stores that participate are certified hobby shop program for our members of TCG player pro one service can make automation a step by calculating and collecting tax in accordance with your own personal settings and provides easy to understand reports are your collection and text data all you have to do is provide it with some basic information like which states you need to collect tax and one source takes care of the rest if you're already a seller on the TCG player market place and this sounds good to you to send a message to your customer success manager bill created 

Thomson Reuters tax service accounts for you and answers any questions you might have for brick and mortar sellers who are not yet in the pro or certified hobby shop programs but would like to feel free to reach out to pro support at once we've created your account you'll receive an email with information about accessing your new Thomson Reuters profile being closed link will take you to the Thomson Reuters OneSource website. 

TCGplayer Seller

You'll arrive on the login screen with the username already filled and using your name on file for your account a generic password will be provided to you by your customer service manager and after using it to log in the first time you'll be able to change it to whatever you like depending on your type of computer and web browser you might also be asked to select which platform you'd like to use for one source most users should select the platform that works with chrome safari Firefox and explorer but you might need to pick the classic version if you use internet explorer exclusively and that's it now that you're logged in you can access reports information about tax policy changes and see all your stores collection data for detailed information.

About setting your account up for your specific tax jurisdictions read it how do I set up locations for tax collection on Thomson Reuters available in the post if you're a TCG player pro seller with multiple stores you can contact your customer success manager for help setting up collections for each location Thomson Reuters also provides their own helpful guides for one source which you can find in the description as well thanks for watching and remember you can always send your questions or feedback to sales a

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