TCGplayer Top 10 Sellers | April 1-7, 2019

TCGplayer Top 10 Sellers | April 1-7, 2019

Last week marked the beginning of the war the spark pre-orders and they've already broken into the top-selling cards TCGplayer even managing to take over last week's number one slot so without further delay let's dive in.


Number 10.lash from alliances. I thought lashes on medics reserve list meaning wizard of the coast has officially vowed to never print it for a functional reprint of it ever again reservist cards pop up every once in a while when people see potential synergies the scarcity of these cards TCGplayer creates more potential for huge price spikes if the card performs well. The newest car that synergizes without lash was revealed last week Jeez Wilder mysteries this is a cool combo since not last can actually hold off aggressive decks until you get your trees and plants then you can excel your library and win the game which is the static ability the next time you draw cards conveniently chooses plus one ability does just that. 

Number 9 gutter bones from Ravnica allegiance. Good heavens is a one-man escape and they can bring itself back from the graveyard this car gets a box for my number for card TCGplayer last episode death so even without being a zombie itself it may end up and sometimes it is currently seen playing TCGplayer budget decks including aristocrats and skeletons which strictly better MTG didactic of last month in addition to fitting into those decks good heavens cheap mana cost and activated ability perfectly fit interactive's goal talk more about those in just a minute.

TCGplayer Top 10 Sellers | March 25-31, 2019 Number 8 knowledge pool premiered in besieged. Knowledge pool has long been a, under staple fitting well in both chaos and present facts and that may be what's pushing into the number 8 spot a less likely the more fun reason could be the newest full card as a 4-minute spell card can search pretty knowledgeable when you cast it turned 5 any artifacts your phones have with activated abilities can't be activated due to current static bill making your spells less helpful for your opponents well you gain access to your points balance TCGplayer. In addition, con can pull any of your artifacts out of the pool with his mind to keep the good stuff for yourself. Like I said it's not likely the reason I'm hoping somebody out there can come up with a plan artifact deck with this current because for mankind is awesome.

TCGplayer Top 10 Sellers | March 25-31, 2019 Number 7 Maraj mayor from our devastation. Here's another powerful, undercard with just a 2 man activation costs this artifact can become a bomb like a log a powerful intimate like landline of anticipation or utility artifact like sensitive I mean top on top of all that he can become a land giving you access to manta or abilities your opponents have. This car's versatility combined with being colorless makes it useful in almost any strategy besides this I haven't found any specific trigger to cause Rajbir to jump to number 7 but if you have been sure to let me know in the comments

TCGplayer Top 10 Sellers | March 25-31, 2019 Number 6 Judith the scourge diva for medical reasons. Iraq does have some powerful cards recently tried hard but you're in widespread brutality are my favorites triggered butcher is basically a new more powerful slip fire locker it's slightly harder to cast anchor the nice explosive ability tacked on to make up for 2 spots make straight hard-hit even harder both of these attacks in his death. With Judaism blamed widespread brutality is also bought by one damage to each of your points creatures I think where the sparks additions to practices toolbox may be what's pushing Judith into the number 6 slot. 

TCGplayer Top 10 Sellers | March 25-31, 2019 Number 5 emergency zone from where the spark. This card isn't instant, under staple sacrifice listen pay wants to give all your spells class until the end of the turn it's close but I think this is arguably a better version of office refuge I may get some heat for that statement let's compare the 2 for a minute there are 57 told, under you can play alchemist refuges there are nearly 800, under you can play emergence on separate diversity of Dax emergence own wins outright. After this refuge cost blue-green and tap to activate emergency room costs one clueless while sacrificing itself I say that's a wash because dedicating to specific colored mana restricts your casting ability while sacrificing emergence own restrictions number of uses. They both top for one call us so the vehicle utility as ministers well I think emergence on wins by a sliver here it all comes down to the colors you're playing in what you plan on using it for as an enabler for an infinite combo 4 game winning combat trick you won't need to reuse words on so that's probably the way to go as an option for just getting creatures out on your phone's turned off comments refuge clearly has more utility I'd be interested in hearing what you blue-green, and a fire thing levy swapping out oculus refuge for emergencies only or maybe a play both.

TCGplayer Top 10 Sellers | March 25-31, 2019 Number 4 smothering tired from radical legion. Smother type is back in the top 10 for a second week after reading your comments suggesting that a video by the kinds of because the job I decided to check it out I was not disappointed Josh pulled off a brutal combo casting wheel of fortune and forcing everyone to discard their hands and just 7 new cards that are 21 triggers on smaller intact with a fresh group of cards in 21 more men available Josh was able to pull away I had that turn was the perfect demonstration of just how powerful this card is in a multiplayer format with its rising popularity comes the inevitable rising price tag over the past 2 weeks smother Titus bite from $4 to $12 it doesn't look like it's down there some sellers currently have this listed up to $14 in preparation for the supply drying up if you grab it on the cheap it might not be a bad idea. 

TCGplayer Top 10 Sellers | March 25-31, 2019 Number 3 young mouths by offering from dominar. As we've seen recently planeswalker mobile is popular by but here we have something a little different not only does this 5-minute sorcery destroy planes Walker or creature you can also bring one back from a graveyard not just your graveyard any greater this is my kind of control card sometimes the grass is greener on the other side why water your lawn we can just take there's.

TCGplayer Top 10 Sellers | March 25-31, 2019 Number 2 plaza templating for more the spark this card is 1 of been excited for in many cases this will be in a gate to give you an 11 token with some added protection for the rest of the turn in, under this, would be a great option to throw under nice concept repeatable protection while growing a bigger and bigger army. 

TCGplayer Top 10 Sellers | March 25-31, 2019 Number one to a fairy time traveler from war the spark. To ferries abilities are incredibly powerful in against control I'm gonna be honest I'm really looking forward to seeing you control me when both players have to carry on the battlefield the 2 to Perry's lock each player out of casting spells instant speed which also effectively negates the ferries plus one ability. That's it for last week's top 10 pre-orders are in full swing and expect to be seeing more preorders in next week's episode I finally got my account up and running so I can like and reply back to you so don't forget to comment with your own insights to theories then like and subscribe to keep up with future top 10.

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