TCGplayer Top 10 Sellers | March 25-31, 2019 | tcgplayernews

TCGplayer Top 10 Sellers | March 25-31, 2019

Hello and welcome to TCG players top 10 this past weekend was an exciting 1 for the medicament the first medicament knows. How to pax east and on top of that we got a flood of war the spark spoilers the race to find the next top tier deck has already begun stated was definitely the flavor of the week with 9 of the top 10 cards TCG players being in standard before we begin though if you're the kind of player who wants the set to be a complete surprise a pre-release this video does contain some more the spark spoilers you've been warned now that's out of the way let's dive...

TCG players

TCGplayer Top 10 Sellers | March 25-31, 2019 | Number 10 girls belly burger from Amoco legions if you're playing groom standard you're playing girls found very spell breaker is a beast 3 men upper 33 with 3 strong abilities it's hard to beat like I said last week MicroStrategy's adapt well to new formats and right now spell breaker is an agro staple bust over occurs not just setting the place a macro Grumman range can put a stop to aggro decks with powerful blockers plenty of spot removal and damage baseboard lands against control spell breaker completely shuts down settle the wreckage ballroom of the wild turns off the counter magic 

TCGplayer Top 10 Sellers | March 25-31, 2019 | Number 9 growth chamber guardian from Ravnica legions another powerful lawyer being using gruel and model green tax I hate seeing this guy hit my opponent's battlefield he only gets harder to take care of the longer he's around unfortunately for me unfortunately for you aggro players I think I'll be seeing more of him if the spoil Dahmer is legit 

TCGplayer Top 10 Sellers | March 25-31, 2019 | Number 8 wilderness reclamation from radical agents back in the top 10 for a second week and frankly between solid performance and standard and the reveal kinds bastion I could imagine sticking around for at least a third week I've seen a bit of brewing for a proliferation reclamation doc on Reddit so I threw together a sample of what that could look like based on the spoilers that come out as of the recording of this video. So here's the deck. The fun part is when you have kinds of bastion in play when you cast a fairy. We played to ferry leaving man opened for absorbing or dorms veto just in case. First we plus one to ferry in Jharkhand. When we moved to and stuff we just have to Perry's ability trigger first-time top 2 lines so what's on tap hello found in current fashion. Now before wilderness reclamation's ability resolves we have 4 lanes to activate Kearns fashion bring you to ferry up to 6. Wilderness reclamation's ability resolves on tapping all our lands so we can go into our opponent's turn with the card in hand and managed to spend at the end of our opponent's turn we use our leftover minutes activate cons bastion again bring to the ferry to 7. Now it's back to our turn activate cons bastion bring to the ferry to 8 leaving us with just one more thing to do ultimate affair. Throughout this whole process, we manage to keep enough man open to protect fair and lesser opponents playing repudiate replicate they can interact with the combo even if they do or they have a removal spell there's never a point where you don't have man opened with cards in hand. That's it just one turn for your opponent to find an answer and get past your control spells but that's enough proof for me today back to top 10

TCGplayer Top 10 Sellers | March 25-31, 2019 | Number 7 the Ghana he told me in a speaker from radical legions. With proliferation making a comeback in war the spark decks that crank out creatures and load them up with plus one plus one counter may make a resurgence kind bastion is currently the best for this case being a colorless land with a reasonable instance beat ability.

TCGplayer Top 10 Sellers | March 25-31, 2019 | Number 6 Willie ana on touched by death from the course in 2019. Spoilers are currently hunting at some funds on the strategies so what goes better with zombies than the quintessential necromancer self wife still removal and Carter vantage is all your fingertips from the turn Liliana enters the battlefield.

TCGplayer Top 10 Sellers | March 25-31, 2019 | Number smothering tired from radical legions. As a, under stable smothering type is the white version of Ristic study only inverted rather than your opponent paying one managed to prevent you from drawing a card the mystery to manta when they drawcard to prevent you from getting one man smothered head shines in multiplayer exponentially increasing the number of times you get to know your friends by asking to.

TCGplayer Top 10 Sellers | March 25-31, 2019 | Number 4 deaths from the course in 2019. Transparent is an awesome card in with more the spark being about invading zombie army I think it's fair to say that we can expect a few solid on his to enjoy that sweet plus one plus one into touch. Transparent and our number 6 lot Liliana untouched by death both being in the top 10 is probably not a coincidence some forms on the deck are likely to be seeing standard play when were the spark rolls around and these 2 cars will likely make the cut.

TCGplayer Top 10 Sellers | March 25-31, 2019 | Number 3 just a kind of sanity from Khans of Tarkir. Just got ascendancy the card worthy of having a modern technique that. This card making it to number 3 was a bit of a surprise at first until I saw a recent video by Alice V. on channel fireball Alice B. went 3 over the dock at 1.even playing to his Phoenix is being exiled by surgical extraction than playing to return a spear he later had a game to a 180 flat from things not looking so hot turn 4 to return 5 wins with some incredible topics just got a sentence he is such an explosive deck with a good top second combo to win almost anytime which makes for some exciting games. 

TCGplayer Top 10 Sellers | March 25-31, 2019 | Number 2 channel troll from guild arabica. Similar to Ghana and our number 7 slot journal shows likely seeing a boost due to preparations return to the standard that and he's just a solid Bruiser that gets out of control quick is activated ability Macy's muse has a discount outlet in the next Sat so keep an eye out for cards that can put this to good use. Number one font of agonies from radical legions this one is probably is back my guess is that this card combined with the recently revealed bosses Citadelle has players lined up for a ticket to matter Christmas land if you managed to land the 6 drop artifact you can start paying life to place spells for acting up free blood counters for instance speed unaccountable removal seems like a cool combo to me and that's it for this week's episode of TCG players top 10 if you have any theories on what puts these cars in the top 10 last week I'd love to hear I especially love to hear what you think about the font of agonies making the

TCGplayer Top 10 Sellers | March 25-31, 2019 | Number one slot was I right about bluster citadel is there something going on with it but I haven't heard about let me know in the comments below then like and subscribe to keep up with future top tens.

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