TCGplayer Top 10 Sellers | May 27-June 2, 2019

TCGplayer Top 10 Sellers | May 27-June 2, 2019

After a short break due to the holiday weekend last week we're back with another TCGplayer top 10 let's take a look at what made the cut...

TCGplayer Top 10 Sellers

TCGplayer Top 10 Sellers | May 27-June 2, 2019 | number 10 Monaco from the guild of Ravnica moderate is still holding its own in standard, as usual, it's one of the cheapest options to build a competitive deck the current deck is around $100 right now so the ease of access to this competitive deck is probably playing a role in keeping this in the top 10 alongside model red lava coil seen playing Phoenix just got and red-green midrange decks as well with Dr hardox ability to gain life so fast using lava coil and while growth Walker can keep your opponent's life total in check and prevent while growth welfare from being reanimated by, and the drive. With enough pressure on your opponent's life total exiling while growth Walker can shut down, and the dried or especially when you're threatening an instant speed burns about. 

TCGplayer Top 10 Sellers | May 27-June 2, 2019 |Number 9 of Nicholas I hate to assist from what the spark. This one I think I'll need your help on I haven't found a single mention of objects list being played in any format other than oath breaker which I don't think it's gotten big enough to influence else to this degree but maybe I'm wrong to let me know in the comments if you have the answer I'm interested to hear the reason because I'll definitely stand out much to me.

 TCGplayer Top 10 Sellers | May 27-June 2, 2019 | Number 8 undead auger from modern arrived. Travels on the players were commenting up a storm about this garden with explorer when it was previously besides working well changelings unlimited on that augurs a powerful 2 mana creature to add to any zombie travel back it allows all yours obvious to replace themselves when they go to the graveyard it's a double-edged sword as this effect is not a maid ability they may also be getting a boost in sales from carrion feeder being added to modern from modern horizons 

TCGplayer Top 10 Sellers | May 27-June 2, 2019 | number 7 overgrown soon from Gilda Radica. It's not often that we get land with no abilities in the top 10 in fact I believe this is the first one since I started making these videos over going to has been up for up in one of the best performing tax recently or color tried hard this deck is likely will push over going to into the top 10 as we have a few more pieces of that coming up in just a minute.

TCGplayer Top 10 Sellers | May 27-June 2, 2019 |  Number 6 Anisa who shakes the world from one of the smart. This has been featured in a lot of standardized recently stated John style decks Bluegreen ramp and bad roads are a few of the most successful ones we've seen in this past weekend's fandom legend standard term for out of the top 8 decks were running plays at the miss in the main back each of the decks makes use of this is Madeleine ability for slightly different purposes whatever the purpose you can be sure that if Mr makes a pastor on top step your point is gonna be on edge waiting to see what you gonna do with all that matters. 

TCGplayer Top 10 Sellers | May 27-June 2, 2019 | Number 5, and the drive toward more of the smart. In the previously mentioned fandom legends tournament, Jim Davis piloted a 4 color drive her doctor first place match this version of Dr. Hart takes advantage of the explorer to make annex early game the card selection and improving amenities league game these creatures come back with, and the drive toward triggering while go **** and bring your life total back into a safe range this also pumps while growth Walker with plus one plus one counters making a threat that your opponent has to do with quickly in order to stay in the game

TCGplayer Top 10 Sellers | May 27-June 2, 2019 |  number 4 Pasha vizier poisons from on cap. It seems the Padres are only, under specific card this week this Annika card had new life breathed into it with the reveal of Yaakov transposition these 2 card combo allowing you to repeatedly sacrificed nicht opens to put minus one minus one counters on your opponent's creatures which in turn creates another snake ready to be sacrificed all of filling your hand with new spells for every last one minus one counter. I thought it was one of the weaker options for color guard, but this new Kabul has significantly improved the Jack black green committed acts have no trouble tutoring for creatures so putting this combo together should prove quite easy.

TCGplayer Top 10 Sellers | May 27-June 2, 2019 | Number 3 nars at partner avail from one of the smart. At this point, I might as well assume NASA is going to be on my list every week I lost count of how many times I was that's been in the top 10 but it's for good reason not to keep proving its worth across all formats with top 10 finishes at every tournament I've seen.

TCGplayer Top 10 Sellers | May 27-June 2, 2019 |  Number 2 inter planner beacon for more the spark. It's hard to find a deck in the standard that doesn't have a suite of planeswalkers at these days interplane or beacon is pretty much necessary as long as your manta rays can support the restrictions that come along with it as per play soccer is one of the techs that while loaded with plant doctors can't afford to play too many restrictive cards like in Japan or B. can enter the game into planar begin can get in the way of casting tyrants scorn and body ratio when you need them number one mobilize district from where the smart. As far as I've seen Mobileye's district hasn't made any top 8 finishes in any format so my guess is that strictly better MTG is recent groups all closed back tech may be what's pushing this into the 

TCGplayer Top 10 Sellers | May 27-June 2, 2019 | number one slot it is active Devon self admits is not great for those who like to travel off the beaten path and standard it's a pretty cool deck that lets you play all the new colors lands in a bunch of cards that can have a surprising number of creatures on about that one time with the number of artifacts you playing these deck constructions can be a real threat to your phone the impetus of the stack was deaf trying to pull off a combo card the great creator some of the hosts and got her a statute it works occasionally but isn't reliable enough to base the background so the only copies of the home of the hosting job fairs that you are waiting on the sideboard for cards to drop it to minus 2 billing. And that's it for this week's top 10 I'm surprised we didn't get more monoprice's presales in the top 10 this week released from modern rises this weekend so we might see more make it into the top 10 next week and don't forget if you got an idea as to why I'm necklaces number 9 this week let me know in the comments then like a subscribe to keep up with future top tens.

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