The Fall of Small sellers on Ebay and TCGplayer 2019

The Fall of Small sellers on eBay and TCGplayer 2019

Honestly one question. How in the world does anybody make money. Selling individual magic cards Pokemon for any individual single cards in 2019. Online on eBay using PayPal TCG player crystal color system the monthly fees in the stability of the company the website the server explained to me how would I don't get.

The Fall of Small sellers on Ebay and TCGplayer 2019

That is probably another one of the top 10 most asked questions that I get. Normal basis everybody. Indeed give everybody the mobile once honest answer that you're probably not going to be happy to hear. It's not a good choice. It really just isn't a good direction for anybody I honestly don't recommend it for anybody moving for this video was kind of spiked in kind of flared up by 2 things TCG player

I get that question was on a daily basis in number 2 with the new installation of the beautiful new fee structure that PayPal has implemented in our you know everyone's gonna bash PayPal the comments section because I know how everybody feels about eBay and PayPal customer service disputes II know I'm been there done that we all got the teachers we all got the taco house we are we know but with the implementation of this new thing that's unlike anything ever been done in the history of TCG player

Commerce Hey how was no charging sellers when you're responding cancel transactions so somebody buys something on eBay. Cancel the order if you find somebody if something happens if the dispute is over you refund the money not only do you get the blues the money in the shipping you actually still have to pay the fees from the buyer's payments. 

So for me, this is a really big deal because now when I get hundreds and hundreds if not thousands 2000 payments a month when people send me the wrong thing or whatever else it actually cost money now it occurs extra losses so between that new thing going on with the refund policy.

And then the question I always get asked a pretty explain to me how does it work Hey don't get. Well, it really is crappy it's not a good direction yeah I know so many people were infatuated by the concept of selling and flipping single cards because some people do make money at it in they do turn a profit every time it does affect but the reality is when you break it down per hour unless it's truly a labor of love there's really not a whole lot of benefit to it unless you truly enjoy handling the cards seem the cards in doing that line of work. Like I've talked to a lot of people about this topic over the years it really comes down to do you really won't do you enjoy do you have a passion for cracking a lot of PACs supporting a lot of cards listing a lot of cards in fulfilling the orders in dealing with the post office.

 I mean that that's really what it comes down to in the honestly I do it sounds ridiculous little door a lot of people say Rudy I love the store my magic cards when I sit relaxing night or from watching TV or YouTube or Netflix and chilling. Do you the pretty much I don't mind soaring hearts it's their Punic it's relaxing it actually provides like home-like stress be compressor it actually helps me, okay well I mean if. 

When I feel even worse at night I usually run you know the old Joe Rogan podcast some big to our long-form discussion I run interviews are run other channels I run that on one screen well I feel worse so I listen to a lot of content while I'm working at night many times it doesn't it's not a big deal also 100 hours a night 3 bay and I just kind of run videos it's relaxing technically it still works but it doesn't really feel that bad to me so it depends on the rhythm and how you feel about it it takes a certain type of tolerance also to deal with the people were gonna hose you mean you or they buy something in 10 minutes later.

They go check the mails I have received my card they get angry with you it takes a certain temperament to be able to stomach swallow daily and to be able to handle that kind of stuff on a daily basis it really does it where's everybody down there times that you know it's just you got to step away from it it's no different to any job with me so I will use you to where you work on oil drilling platform in the middle of the Gulf of Mexico where you're swinging burgers and fast food joints or you're in a big old cubic you know call center thing no matter what industry you're in it everybody has those times you just gotta walk away it is what is your stuff away refreshing comeback you got to reevaluate the situation so when we talk about this whole selling in 2019.

 What I see happening is because of the continuing tightening of the fee structure the fees going up the risks in the stress involved getting rid tougher and tougher the margins getting squeezed. I see kind of a reduction or consolidation of sellers in the future. This is another reason why the buyer was the thing is becoming a very popular thing so the reason why so many people send me large collections of the vintage cards they don't deal with.

 I'm. I think it's gonna get a lot worse if I were singing is going to be fewer soldiers doing it as a move to the future because there's gonna be a point where it simply is not worth it for most people and I think we continue to approach the set point at a slow rate because confirm the time melts my soon to be a year ago muscle maybe 5 years ago twice on eBay 10 years ago I look at each one of those benchmarks in every benchmark as we get closer to modern times has become more difficult you make less money the fees are higher in I and I definitely I don't see it changing. 

That's the worst part is I don't see anybody wanting them like a breakthrough or something to really reset the clock or reverse the direction of some of these fees and costs of selling TCG player online I don't see it. And I don't. And I and I generally think it's going to lead to an era where you had to have like the top 510 magic people online with 1000000 feedback. Kind of pump and so many hearts of the system they're gonna dominate many links in the market.

Right now they're still a good amount of small to mid-tier sellers out there I guess myself like a meteor seller I don't think I'm like one large seller I don't think I'm super small Mike this is a mid-tier but I mean I don't really I don't seem like it's funny because I remember years ago there actually being more competition selling singles on eBay, for example, I feel like it's actually less competitive now there was a few years ago because so many people so screwed I quit the through the terribly busy just since I'm here take my telephone little done because people have been burned the blue eyes when you break it down per hour if you really own joint it's not worth it's just simply there's no means to an end that you're not really making good money okay job slinging tacos and Gordie doesn't salute doesn't matter though rendez you're gonna make more money you bring home free food and dinner every night in this seems to be. 

I don't know I I feel like it's we're really heading that direction you know this new PayPal direction in my fears eBay's and continue to raise their fees over the next few years everything and I have a whole TCG player and watch some pretty sort of their fees are in line with the big boys I don't think there's a lot everybody always better TCG player eBay there's not really a better worse they both have pros and cons they will have ups and downs there is no perfect platform and I don't want people to remember him that's the first crypto 9 you know fiat currency 

it's all gonna be crypto queen or maybe I'm gonna create a new currency just for trading this or maybe I've heard it all I've seen it all over the years yeah as of right now I haven't seen anything that's been able to scale up to really take on the big boys the take on the eBay category of magic the gathering I haven't seen any take on TCG player in the fee structure and I genuinely don't think the fees are too high on TCG player you better but it makes it very challenging to make a living or be able to move cards or anything at a good value and I mean 

I understand is a lot of costs associated with these websites run them they're not just making billions of dollars they make a lot of money but they're not making as much as you may think and that's just something I want to come to you all is that I just generally do think that we are heading towards an era who's going to be a lot of less small sellers out there especially with his new boom of magic TCG player so many of the big stores are expanding like crazy because they're making fortunes in the magical right now in all the little guys got crushing last 2 years of almost kept our devastation iconic masters they're not around most some quickly threw in the towel in now we're going to see an expansion in continuous transfer wealth to the top few magic stores around the world. And I eat I think by was they're going to become bigger and more powerful. And  I don't. I know this is terrible I generally don't think. 

That's selling single cards moving forward is going to be an option for a lot of regular people I don't see it with the post office raising prices credit card processing Hey how raising prices even a TCG player overall their care cut the dispute resolution processes the risks involved. I don't see it being a thing of the future and that's very sad maybe somebody out there will come up with something new maybe somebody takes on the big boys I don't see your folks I generally think that the small mom and pop in the kid in the basement it's going to be a thing of the past that's really sad. I just wanna give you guys my opinion. 

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