The Gathering Cards Using TCGPlayer Direct | MTG - A Guide To Buying Magic

 The Gathering Cards Using TCGPlayer Direct | MTG - A Guide To Buying Magic

A guide to buying cards with TCG player direct what does this service offer players magic the gathering TCG player direct is a new shipping hub offered by TCG player lets you shop from a massive market place and get the best price on cards while still enjoying the convenience of getting everything in one easy package TCG player direct when you place an order TCG player ships everything in one package straight from their warehouse the cards is carefully graded in the package all the while with TCG players reliable customer service standing by to help if anything happens to go wrong to put it short and simple TCG player direct means free shipping certified grading and fast reliable delivery but this TCG player direct really fulfilling.

The Gathering Cards Using TCGPlayer Direct

Its promises all put it to the test in just a moment but first a quick word about this video before we begin I would like to say that this video is indeed sponsored by TCG player but beyond their support of the channel the video is 100 percent independently written and produced by me just like any other video on this channel like all of my sponsored videos ever I am free to say and do what I want and TCG player has no advance screening or any knowledge of what I am going to say until I have said it if you want to try out TCG player direct follow.

The special link in the description of this video and check it out for yourself you've to course don't have to go there through that link but if you do it does benefit the channel greatly behind the scenes and I thank you now let's begin with what is TCG player direct if you're not already familiar with TCG it is a buyer and seller's market place for magic the gathering okay my. On you Keogh and other TCG CCG's and related products and accessories but as I said TCG player directed something new something far upgraded and something that offers all of this amazing plea for free with TCG player direct instead of contacting individual sellers through TCG player you can have all the cards you need ships to you in one package from TCG player.

Why would you want to do this well first of all is the brand new offer of free shipping through TCG player direct that's right free shipping is free on orders of $25 and up to what if you don't order $25 worth of cards then it's $0.99 flat it's practically free a block for shipping on whatever your order is under $25 and free shipping on all orders $25 and up anywhere in the United States no matter how many cards you fire how many sellers you buy from your entire order ships for free with TCG player direct so you get everything all at once in one package it will be exactly as you expect if something isn't perfect you have TCG player behind.

The Gathering Cards Using TCGPlayer Direct

It you not dealing with these individual sellers who may or may not be perfectly cooperative you're dealing with TCG player and they're going to make it right but I actually want to scrutinize something different about the benefit of TCG player direct and that is certified grading okay I buy a lot of cards I have a lot of cards I want a lot of cards and I'm going to buy even more cards because of that some are for, under not being flashy cards but weird ones that's my style like a foil plane from the original Ravnica block for my taste said EDH or a high tide from fallen empires for my sig river guide deck the one with all the fish I also buy pop production paper and Canadian Highlander decks and one thing that keeps happening to me throughout all.

All of this, again and again, is that when I order near mint cards from different sellers I don't always get near mint cards especially on those smaller less expensive cards the $0.50 cards the dollar cards the more unusual cards that I need I am less likely to get them in near mint condition but TCG player direct is offering something tantalizing their own certified grading of the cards they sell you remember the cards are now passing from sellers to TCG directly although I just got the name of the course and so now the cards arrived but then checked again by TCG player to make sure that the cards are sent in actually near mint condition so for people who are obsessive about.

Their cards being near mint such as myself this is a double check they ask the sellers for near-mint the sellers allegedly send them near mint but they are going to double-check that the cards are indeed near mint before they send them out to you it's a double-check so let's test that out Xiao Wei I ordered a few $0 worths of cards from TCG player direct in different borders some from different accounts ensuring that TCG player did not know that these are the cards that we're going to me and I am going to look at them I haven't looked at them yet they're still sealed in their package I'm gonna look at them right now with you and I want to make sure that these cards are indeed all in near-mint condition.

 I tried to get a really wide variety of cards from throughout magic's history expensive cards cheap cards foil parts non foil parts old and new let's see that these are in fact near mint let's take a look so this first package I envisioned as a more general test I picked a mythic that's big right now Jace telepath unbound as well as another plane Walker Johnny vengeance I also took this opportunity to grab some cards I'd wanted for, under. Hey, senses divining top with the proper art and near mint.

I cannot tell you how much trouble I have had getting near mint high tides relieved to own these at last. Will the satyr card from legends as well as the arena of the ancients are quite old and these look well not quite packed fresh but definitely near mint but frankly seen these cards in front of me is really astonishing and impressive all of these cards are near mint. Another great thing about TCG players in general let alone TCG player direct is the idea that you can just punch in an entire deck and have that debt delivered to your door here.

I spent just under $20 buying slivers for Palmer yes I'd like to have some paper pop production slivers is the closest thing to merfolk you heard me so get a little faster through these but spoiler alert every single card in here is near mint what's really impressive about this is since this is a pop project these are all common people seldom takes good care of their Commons especially old comments. Look at that my hair of holy like from the dark these things are gorgeous as near mint I haven't seen a dark card for sale that was near Minton forever honestly a lot of these cards look pack fresh everything you're meant.

Now, this final package where I really am putting TCG player direct to the test I'm spending some cash here to do something I've always wanted to do by some of my favorite plans for the art here we have the rob Alexander flooded strand and while I couldn't quite afford alphas I went for the next best thing beta original art basic plans this is what basic lands look like to me and seeing these all near mint in that beautiful black border with that wonderful old original art just really makes me happy knowing that I can be pulling out some of my favorite decks with these and now perhaps for one more difficult tests some very old basic cards and foils I've bought so many of these over the years.

I am serious I've bought so many of these and they arrived curled and scuffed and marked up and far from near-mint this is well over $200 worth of cards that I purchased here to test TCG player and I can say with confidence that all of these cards are in near-mint condition that's because it's in TCG players best interest to make sure I get the cards I order it in the condition of my order not to try and scrimp and save by selling me a lightly played card instead of a near mint and had any of those cards not been in near-mint condition.

Hey, accidents happen I feel really confident that TCG player would make it right how do you use TCG player direct items carried by TCG player direct will be clearly marked on the TCG players site you pick out the cards from sellers offering the lowest prices just like you do now TCG player will ship out cards to you using their own carefully managed inventory, yeah and it's coming from TCG player, not individual sellers you'll get your entire order together in one of those packages like.

I just showed you you've got that dedicated TCG player customer service team standing by to help with any issues a final personal word I have indeed used TCG player. For a long time now since before I had a YouTube channel and I'm not the only one so widely used and respected as the TCG player website that their prices B. at low mid or high are used almost universally as the means of determining card value whenever I see anybody making trades at my local game store my friends and I will use TCG player values to determine a fair trade we're not going off of eBay or Amazon prices no one is in fact.

I really did recently swear off of eBay and Amazon entirely due to the endless scams bad attitudes of sellers and all-around frustrating and disheartening experience with TCG player direct I am now dealing with TCG player directly which means they are not some guy and his creepy apartment trying to scam me were a petty seller who'll cuss me out when I complain about getting heavily played cards really happened goodbye eBay aw I have the utmost confidence that TCG player customer service will always make right on any errors and problems that occur and that those errors and problems will likely be very few and very far between I cannot recommend TCG player direct enough.

If your local game store does not have the cards you need where does not offer the prices that are fair if your friends do not have the card you need for trade or maybe just live somewhere where there isn't an L. G. S. where there isn't any access to singles or trades well then what you want to obtain the cards that you need for the decks that you want to play his TCG player direct at the very least it's worth looking up prices especially with these new savings on shipping follow the special link in the description of this video to check out TCG player direct for yourself again you don't have to use it through that link it's available now to everyone but if you do follow the link in the description it's super helped out the channel behind the scenes. And I thank you and I hope very much that this video like all of my videos has been of some help to you.

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