Top 10 Sellers TCGplayer June 3-9, 2019

Top 10 Sellers TCGplayer June 3-9, 2019

It seems modern horizons have finally pushed TCGplayer. its way into the top 103 of the 10 are from a new deck there's been making waves in modern let's dive in to check them out. 


Number 10 talisman of creativity from I rise. Commander players have been waiting a while for the set to come out I do Casamento rock they could produce 2 colors is great on its own but even better to format were soaring is legal well he's better odds aren't breaking any tax they're likely being bought up by the TCGplayer have been waiting years to get the cycle I just wish these came out before I decide to take when they visit back apart. 

Number 9 okay arisen acropolis from modern horizons. This past week August has been shaking things up for graveyard archetypes I've seen multiple lists posted to Twitter and Reddit by TCGplayer trying to figure out how to best leverage this powerful card white faces MDG posted a treacherous with it but I actually didn't even include enzyme there's been some discussion back and forth on what should be included and whether it's any better than Bridgeline tickets you haven't seen it here's the list white faces posted on Twitter it's more resilient against graveyard hate like crafters cage said bridge from below still functions walked out in addition it is incredibly fast with consistent turn 3 wins surgical extraction in my line of the board are still real threats to the staff was so far the feedback I've read has been of these changes are well worth it.

Number 8 talisman of curiosity from on the rise. Just like a talisman of creativity, I think these are mostly being Baba, under TCGplayer, Mitch at the, and headquarters released a video last week about some of the best cars coming, under from I'm right he talked about the strength of these 2 cost matter ox compared to some of our other options in the form which may have also helped drive the sales TCGplayer.

Number 7 so her from her eyes this is gonna be a favor in light blue, and access is locked right in with any product it is both a value creature and possibly win condition as it will grow rapidly and Flickr based acts I was excited to see this as 3 men because it'll be a target the moment it hits the battlefield so if you've got some time in your deck you can place on tie in and bring saw her back to the battlefield then potentially get to uses of sometimes ability every turn between its attack trigger Ansel harder flickering at TCGplayer.

Number 6 Mobileye's district from one of the smart. This week's Top 10 Sellers TCGplayer maybe having eternal formats but the planeswalker lotus standard format is still driving the sales of Mobileye's district as 1 of you pointed out last week this is abilities energizes really well in the last district the counter is placed on the land typically make it a 33 but when you activate mobilize district the base power toughness becomes 33 so the counters bump it up to a 66 with vigilance just got planeswalkers and contacts make up the other techs running mobilized district right now. 

Number 5 altered dementia from mom drives TCGplayer. Alter is another new addition to the draft text we've seen lately if those are great very incredibly fast it also provides the deck with a combo with an alternative to the beatdown strategies that can be cast from the graveyard so sacrificing it to alter is only a temporary loss you can build more bridges and creatures to plant your graveyard which can be tapped to convoke out back into play. 

Number 4 rebuild from modern rising. This one I think is here due to speculation astral dripped has opened up the possibility of modern cycling back in this could be the artifact removal of the deck they can replace itself when not needed is basically Herkules recall was cycling tacked on for one more minute is currently $0.13 so with its potential in TCGplayer a new Jack and as a possible alternative to her please recall it's got a lot of room to the inflated price 

Number 3 bridge from below from ultimate masters. The last piece of the new drugs act to make it into the top tax rate from below is the centerpiece of the back so hitting number 3 is hardly a surprise putting into the graveyard is easy with altered events on the battlefield and in multiples, TCGplayer it gets out of control sacrificing a grave caller can put up to 8 power on the battlefield with the full second U. greater than after you Sackett you can recast gray color from the graveyard and rinse and repeat until you're satisfied with the obscene number of zombie tokens littering the battlefield. 

Number 2 Dr hurt I can't ask for more than this mark. Last week a magic fast Taipei white red featherless managed to get a third-place this tech tends to be considered here to see how well it performed may have inspired TCGplayer to order drought hurt I cannot stand trial the new bill Turner Candace synergize well if either team the spells cast-off Drederick instability can be returned to your hand with feathers ability rather than be exact Turner canister is also capable of taking the damage from reckless rage if you don't have another legionnaire forgetting on the battlefield. 

Number 1 battle screech from the modern rise. The reprint about screech is the first paper reprints since it was originally printed in judgment this brought the car to a much more affordable price for Papa TCGplayer that are on a budget the version of the modern drive is sitting around $0.40 right now if you want to spring for the original art you're gonna be dishing out about 5 Bucks a piece. And that's it for this week's top 10 new drugs like it's probably just the beginning of the changes this that will bring to modern is there a card for modern rises that you're trying to break let me know what is in the comments unlike a subscribe to keep up with future top 10.

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